Local Area

Below are some local area links with information for the Shreveport-Bossier Area!

Local Government


20x49 Website for what's happening SB

Where Shreveport-Bossier Intersects with Everywhere! This website is a great source on activities going on in our area and highlights some of the best places to eat!

Mardi Gra Krewe Central

Your direct connections with the Krewe's in our area filled with Krewe information, parade schedules and much more!


Bossier Parish Schools

This will include Bossier City, Benton, and Haughton Area

Caddo Parish Schools Website

This will include Shreveport, Blanchard, Greenwood, Keithville

Desoto Parish Schools

This will include Stonewall, Mansfield, and Frierson

Search Local Schools

Search for local school information for the area.



Lewis Gifts

Local shop with a bistro.

Tubbs Hardware

Local Hardware General Store. They are the home of fabulous King Cakes!

Sports & Recreation

America Poolplayers Association (APA)

Pool League Information


Hospitals & Medical

Local Weather

Local Weather

View local weather information for the area.